The Shocking Truth About Netflix

Reed Hastings big pet project is global education!

The Co-Founder and Original CEO of Netflix is Marc Bernays Randolph. His Great Uncle was Edward Bernays, the inventor of propaganda. Sigmund Freuds sister Anna Freud gave birth to Freuds nephew, Edward Bernays. Bernays took his family’s work in psychology and used it to help governments and corporations manipulate the minds of the public.

The Pedophile Propagandist Roots of Netflix by Greg Reese

“His efforts began in 1998, when he and Don Shalvey, who’d helped launch California’s first charter school, set their sights on abolishing California’s 100-charter school cap.”

“Hastings had less success when Democratic Governor Gray Davis named him to the state Board of Education in 2000.”

“The fact that California Charter Academy, one of the country’s largest charter school operators, collapsed and left 6,000 California students without a school during his board tenure, did little to sway Hastings’ enthusiasm for publicly financed yet privately run schools.”

"He’s also been a major backer of DreamBox Learning, which develops the math software used in Rocketship schools, and the Khan Academy, an online teaching video clearinghouse…
What’s more, the user data collected by programs developed at Khan Academy, DreamBox and other companies are fueling concerns over student privacy."

“The younger a kid is, the more critically important it is that they construct their own knowledge and figure out how the universe works, and they literally cannot get that from a computer screen,” says Launa Hall, a former Virginia elementary school teacher who now writes and consults on education issues."