Do NOT sign vaccine refusal forms from your doctor

Attention Parents- Do not sign vaccine refusal forms from your doctor’s office.

Most doctors use the AAP refusal form, and it’s a trap! This document attaches a child ID to your little one that can be sourced electronically for the rest of their lives. It establishes and records vaccine history, or lack thereof.

“I understand the following: the risks and benefits of the recommended vaccine(s).” You’re stating that you’ve been given informed consent or full disclosure. But you probably haven’t. Usually, the doctor gives out the CDC information sheet and not the actual insert. That sheet does not give you adequate information to understand the risks, so you would be agreeing to a false statement.

Signing the document would also mean that you are agreeing and confessing that not vaccinating your child comes with incredible risks and consequences, including the death of your child and the responsibility of transmitting the disease to others. Not only is this untrue, it’s extremely incriminating.

It asks you to inform all healthcare professionals that your child isn’t vaccinated and agree to having your child isolated and tested as they see fit.

It’s a contract and could be used against you in a legal way. You’re asked to sign it in front of a witness in its “entirety.” You’re agreeing to everything it says, even the false information, and you’re accepting responsibility if anything should happen to your child or others.

If a custody battle comes up, the form could be used against you by the other parent. I’ve sadly watched this exact scenario play out way to many times and the Judge almost always sides with the parent who wants to vaccinate.

If CPS investigates you for related or unrelated accusations, it can be used against you. If there’s an outbreak and your child hasn’t been vaccinated, it can be used against you.

Reactions are common, not rare.

Do not give Tylenol; document the reaction; and look for the following:

fever, sleepiness, swelling, vomiting or diarrhea, rash, pain or stiffness, seizures, excessive crying or screaming, jerking movements, shock-like state, jaundices, hives, headache, wheezing, chills, inability to breathe.

Do not allow the nurse or doctor to minimize these very serious adverse reactions.

Remember, nobody will ever love your baby like you do. Be their voice and advocate.

Think Critically.

Research Carefully.

Decide Cautiously.

~ Jessica Rojas