How to Love Your Child the Right Way

The Greatest Lesson For Parents

Love Uncondiationally
“The child doesn’t need more to feel more of themselves. They didn’t come with this egoic desire to attach to PhD’s or labels or judgements or wealth to feel themselves. Children feel themselves just by who it is they are. They are the simplest access to wholeness. We rob them of this. To truly love someone, it’s truly loving the other for who it is they are, with no you in the picture. They don’t have to love you back, they don’t have to need you, they don’t have to agree with you. They don’t have to adhere to you. Now try loving your child for who it is they are.”

Dr. Shefali is a NYT bestselling author of The Conscious Parent and The Awakened Family. She is also a clinical psychologist, an international speaker and a wisdom teacher, integrating Eastern philosophy with Western psychology. Learn more about her at: